Despite cool and windy weather the Annual Gala was a great success with a large number of visitors attending and enjoying the facilities of the park, together with the excellent refreshments provided by the Friends and the various stalls of organisations supporting the event.
The Mayor of Rotherham, Councillor John Foden, visited the Gala and had a tour of the Park guided by Bobbie Hillman, Chair of the Friends Group and John Jackson, Park Ranger, who described the work being done to enhance the facilities of the park.
The Friends Group had stalls including a tombola, second hand books, crafts, plants and CountryPark accessories.
The following organisations also had stalls providing information and an opportunity for visitors to support their worthy causes:-
South Yorkshire Badger Group
Woodland Crafts
Bluebell Wood Hospice
Rain Dog Rescue
Rotherham Hospice
South Yorkshire Police
Special thanks are due to Dave Brennan’s Jazz Band who performed heroically after standing in at the last minute, braving the elements to play three sessions of music for the enjoyment of the many visitors walking round the park.
Pond dipping sessions for younger children with Ranger Claire from RMBC Green Spaces were held at the newly refurbished Mess Hut and adjacent pond.
The aim of the annual Gala is to celebrate the re-opening of the park in June 2010, following the remedial works to the embankment after the flood in 2007, by providing an event that raises the profile of the park and encourages regular and new visitors to come and enjoy the facilities within the park. This year there were many new faces, together with those that regularly visit the park, and all seemed to have enjoyed the day even though the weather was not at its best.
The Mayor visits the bric-a-brac stall.
The Mayor talks to RSPB members.
Dave Brennan’s jazz band entertains visitors.
Children enjoying pond-dipping.
The Mayor tucks into delicious cakes at the Friends cafe.
Many thanks to Steve Butler for providing the photographs.