The Officers and Committee of the Friends of Ulley Country Park

Chair  Bobbie Hillman

Vice Chair Dave White

Secretary Paul Nash

Treasurer  Vacancy, the Finance sub-committee undertakes this role

Membership Secretary  Pat Dyson

Minutes Secretary  Di  Haswell

Committee Members elected at the AGM

Barbara Littlewood, Kathie Hall, George Davis,

Jeff Blades, Eileen Blades, Mike Rudd, Sue Matthews, Sue Topham

Co-opted Members

Kevin Burke – Park Manager, John Jackson – Park Ranger

Representatives from  Aston-cum-Aughton Parish Councils

The Formation of the Friends of Ulley Country Park

January 2006 saw a planned restructuring of staff responsibilities within Rotherham M.B.C. The staffing of the parks, by Rangers, was one of the areas under serious consideration. This caused debate between interest groups and the Council in order to try and preserve a full time Ranger presence in Ulley Country Park.

During the course of the Rotherham Naturalists AGM, Barbara Littlewood suggested the formation of a Friends Group for Ulley Country Park, which would work in partnership with Rotherham M.B.C. to protect wildlife, the amenities and the heritage of the park.  The Friends Group would also try to promote further development of the park by seeking grant funding.  Derek Bailey and the Rotherham Naturalists were encouraging and provided £100 as a start up gift.

Interested parties were canvassed and a public meeting was called.  The Borough was represented by Ivan Machin (Park Manager) and Phil Rogers. (Director of Cultural and Leisure Services.)  They set out their commitment to the park, promising a Ranger service, an improvement to the infrastructure of the park and partnership with a Friends Group to work together towards Green Flag status by January 2007.

This public meeting elected a Committee.  The Committee started work towards the production and adoption of a Constitution.  The balance of the Committee was to be, wherever possible, representative of the many user groups.

The first General Meeting of the Friends of Ulley Country Park was held on Monday July 17th 2006 where the Constitution was agreed and adopted.

With a Constitution in place, the Friends of Ulley Country Park was formed, with Mike Dyson as its first Chair.

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